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SmarTek is an e-commerce company and consultancy. We originally provided Internet and networking services to businesses. Since 2001, we have been focusing the majority of our attention on in-house projects and entities owned by us. We still have a small client list and provide services for them, but to make sure the proper attention is given to our business as a whole, we limit our activities in a manner that fits the needs of all of our customers. We have always been successful looking for a proper fit instead of taking any and every job.

We are great at creating online businesses that deliver excellent ROI and minimize risk. The maximum capital requirements of new entities we have started are under $5000 each. We've found this limitation to be successful in concentrating efforts to turn a profit from the very beginning. We have also learned to use technology to centralize management operations to maximize the use of our time. Where possible, we use web-based software to allow access to the tools that run our businesses anywhere. We make use of VOIP, advanced call routing, and analog phone system technologies that assist in our goal of being location independent and to easily manage growth. We actively encourage telecommuting whenever possible. The needs of the company dictate our business, not the location of the opportunity nor the location of the people involved.

As we have grown, we've discovered the use for accurate tracking mechanisms in marketing programs. This must be implemented separate to those included by the vendor. The "shotgun" approach may work for some, but a $50,000 web campaign is a big risk to take. We choose to start small, and measure the successes. Instead of optimizing after a month, we optimize after a few days. Instead of trying everything at once, we apply a staged rollout over a year. This helps us not only by identifying what works, it accelerates the break-even point for the business. This and strong financial management is key to the success of any business, and is absolutely crucial in new ones.
About SmarTek

  • Founded in 1996 in Gainesville, Florida
  • Incorporated in 2001 as SmarTek Holdings, Inc. in Atlanta, Georgia
  • Relocated to Winter Haven, Florida in 2003
  • Currently managing the operations of 3 profitable business units (see portfolio link above)
  • SmarTek Revenues
          2001: $100,000
          2002: $937,000
          2003: $1.2 Million
          2004: $1.4 Million
          2005: $1.7 Million
          2006: $840,000
          2007: $600,000
          2008: $300,000